Tag Archives: ViewCriteriaItem

TO_CHAR to TO_DATE problem addressed

Recently found this issue on an internal forum and found the solution given by Jobinesh.. Thought I could share the info here

Problem description:

“I’m trying to apply a view criteria programmatic way here. When the bind variable for “StartDate” (which is a VO attribute) uses just a “=”. then at runtime the VC gets appended to the query using a TO_DATE for the bind var, which is as expected. However, when the bind variable for “StartDate” uses just a “>=” / “<“>” . then at runtime the VC gets appended to the query using a TO_CHAR for the bind var, which is not that we require. Is there any way to get a TO_DATE for this kind of comparison as well?”

Please take a look at the following sample method :-

public Row getSampleHeaderVORecord(Date activeDate) {
 ViewObjectImpl SampleHeaderVO = getSampleHeader1();
 ViewCriteria viewCriteria = SampleHeaderVO.createViewCriteria() ;
 ViewCriteriaRow vcr1 = viewCriteria.createViewCriteriaRow() ;
 vcr1.setAttribute("StartDate", ">="+(activeDate.));
 return SampleHeaderVO.next();

Do let me know.

Sample query that appears at runtime :-

SELECT *WHERE ( ( (TO_CHAR( ForecastHeaderEO.START_DATE, 'yyyy-mm-dd') > '0007-04-02' ) ) )

The TO_CHAR in the last line is what I’m referring to. Is there any way to get a TO_DATE there?


ViewObjectImpl SampleHeaderVO = getSampleHeader1();
 ViewCriteria viewCriteria = SampleHeaderVO.createViewCriteria() ;
 ViewCriteriaRow vcr1 = viewCriteria.createViewCriteriaRow() ;
 ViewCriteriaItem vci = vcr1.ensureCriteriaItem("StartDate");